Thursday, 28 November 2019


Info - RF chipset detected [ I tried to run telnetd from webui command, still rejects telnet. It looks ok, except it is a trial?!? Lan also works good Leds are not configured corectly, they are all on some blue, some red Now, would you try to answer some of my questions from first post? As you see, the two files are the same. vodafone dsl easybox 803 firmware

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Arcor User Forum

Sidebar Welcome to OpenWrt. I have once compiled uboot for my needs enabled x and y modem transfer, tab completition and few useful options lacking in stock from openwrt, like switch support for similar device, arvpw, also danube. Switched to clocksource MIPS [ 0. I don't know if it actually helps overwriting it ever again, but it hopefully won't hurt to protect that part of the flash:.

Vodafone DSL-EasyBox 803

That DSL line settings has been included for the Buffalo doesn't necessarily mean that they now are included in the Vodafone build. At first create a flash image that doesn't destroy the original bootloader.

The vodaofne has 6 ports. If i would build dd-wrt from source for EBA, would it still be trial version? Registered protocol family 2 [ 0. Wed Feb 29, Log in Profile View unanswered posts Log in Username: Please refer to the original OpenWRT page for additional instructions and images. Not only that you might want to go back to the original state later, but your firmware may also contain data that is unique to your device like MAC addresses not sure about that but though.

vodafone dsl easybox 803 firmware

You ought to be able to get shell access through the same serial ttl console you eaaybox for U-Boot boot logging or via an ethernet console connection telnetboth of them use to be enabled in dd-wrt. It would be a lot easier for me to test it with ssh access.

This is from my device after flashing U-Boot permanently:.

DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Easybox A

Here are the screenshots this phpbb does awful job handling image previews: Now we erase the blocks beginning from the first block after U-Boot up to the size of the uploaded image:. WDS disabled Magic No.

vodafone dsl easybox 803 firmware

Registered protocol family 24 [ With this settings i get: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0. The firmwaree behind the small cover meant for an UMTS stick is connected to bus the other two are connected to bus DD-WRT makers, be kind enough and provide non trial version for people, so we can test all the features. To boot OpenWrt put u-boot into ram again and start it. Establish a serial connection. Registered protocol family 17 [ 0.

In this paragraph you have to take action on bootloader [bl] cmd line and sometimes on u-boot [ub] cmd line and sometimes local [lo].

Arcadyan ARV752DPW22 (Vodafone EasyBox 803A)

Lan also works good Leds are not configured corectly, they are all on some blue, some red Now, would you try to answer some of my questions from first post?

I tried to unpack fw with firmware-mod-kit and change those r changes by hand, but image gets firmdare when i rebuild it.

Currently December uboot is brokensee: Professional Support Community Contact. Blogging is my Passion! USB hub found [ 5. To do this take a copy of the original bootloader code first k of the backup firmware and attach the squash image to it:

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