Sunday 8 December 2019


This option enables the user to insert a timestamped comment in the binary data file. The sadc command in sysstat. Typo fixed in configure. Moreover it is now possible to have two different sysstat versions installed: Option -h added to sar. Stricter iostat syntax checking: Univ Univ 1, 11 11 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. sysstat rpm rhel5

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RPM resource sysstat

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Changed XML output for processes and context switches displayed by sadf -x to be consistent with output from sar.

Sign up to join this community. Makefile updated use implicit rules. Stricter sadf syntax checking: Option -m added to sar. New field added to mpstat and iostat: Cached swap statistic information added to sar -r. Make iostat display statistics for devices only and not partitions when not using its option -d. Better support for keeping sar logfiles for more than one month several bugs fixed in sa1 and sa2 scripts.

Cosmetic changes in various parts of the code. From now on sar -d looks in the following files in that order: In some sysstt, it is now possible to add or remove activities while keeping a compatible format that can be read by a previous or future sysstat version.

Fix incorrect NFS client and server statistics for sar.

Ruel5 -P can now be used with sar even on SMP machines where only one processor is available. Use '-' to specify current daily data file instead of guessing its name using current date. Sysstat scripts sa1, sa2, sysstat modified to enable the user to keep sar data for more than one month. NFS client and server statistics added to sar.

sysstatx86_64 RPM

By default iostat now displays only statistics information for devices that are used by the system. Options -x and -X have been removed from sar. This options tells sar to display swap space utilization. Used with options -d or -D, it indicates that all activities should be displayed horizontally on a single line of data.

sysstat rpm rhel5

Stricter syntax checking for iostat. Option -l added to pidstat. Option -h added to sar.

sysstat rpm rhel5

Each item like network interfaces is now counted once. Some variables declarations moved around. Post as a guest Name. Option -d added to pidstat: Minor buffer overrun fixed in rjel5. New VM paging metrics added to sar option -B.

- The search engine for Linux rpm and Debian packages - - RPM Package List sysstat

Option -S added to sadc. Dead code removed in iostat. Fixed a bug in pidstat: At the present time, only CPU frequency statistics are available.

sysstat rpm rhel5

There is now a dedicated target to install or uninstall manual pages.

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